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Well-being is essential to life on a permaculture farm. Everyone has their preferences whether it be reading, jogging, biking, practicing yoga, lounging in a hammock, making trips to the city/beaches/jungles, etc. We value your well-being and want to let you know that every guest, volunteer, apprentice or group that visits us will have time to do the activities they desire.


If you are interested in volunteering or becoming an apprentice, know that we start farm activities early and finish after lunch Monday-Friday. Afternoons and weekends are free to do what we like. With that said, we do not have a fixed schedule and are happy to accommodate changes such as trips during the week, short work weeks, etc. We chose a lifestyle focused on quality of life and value that our visitors get to experience something similar. 

Diet is also a vital part of our wellbeing. From personal experience, Jeff will tell you that he has never felt stronger or in better shape than after living on the farm and eating fresh farm-to-table organic plant-based meals on the daily. Quality food mixed with daily physical activity makes us feel alive! 

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