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Homestay Program

Connecting Communities


Our Homestay program at Finca Sol y Valle is a cultural platform that was created to serve as a link between the farm and the neighboring community of La Flor. Our mission is to generate benefits not only for those of us who live on the farm but also to collaborate with a social solidarity economy that generates resources for the people in the neighborhood.

This community approach is a bridge that invites various educational institutions, tourist centers, and services, participants in international and national workshops, volunteers, and apprentices. Participants in the Homestay Program will integrate with the existing programs of the farm while they stay in the beautiful houses of La Flor in Paraíso, Cartago. The program enriches La Flor, Finca Sol y Valle and participants through a collaborative group experience.


The local houses allow guests to be close to our facilities and actively participate in our programs while also having an impactful cultural exchange with rural Costa Ricans. Participants interact with local traditions, customs, language nuances, and family dynamics to create each person's unique experience.


Most groups stay in their homes for between two to four weeks. This time is ideal since it allows guests to get to know the family where they are staying and receive the cultural wealth that arises from the exchange. Groups that intend to stay for shorter or longer stays are also welcome to contact us.

Due to the diversity of the groups that are involved with the Homestay program, lodging prices vary depending on factors such as several participants, period of lodging, and the nature of the program involved. We ask interested institutions or individuals to contact us directly to co-create a program that fits your needs.

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